When Santa got stuck up the chimney, he began to shout…
Don’t let this happen to Santa when he visits your property this Christmas!
It is important to have your chimney swept regularly by a chimney sweep who is professionally trained by organisations such as APICS and fully insured by a company like HETAS. They are the only people that should be getting up inside there. They can inspect your chimney properly and give you a certificate when it’s done. A dirty chimney can easily catch fire, therefore remember, a clean, well-maintained chimney flue won’t catch fire, because it does not have layers of creosote or soot inside it to ignite and will have been inspected for cracks or damage through which fire or heat can escape the flue. Make sure your chimney is cleaned every year before you use it and keep it in good repair!
If you’re using wood to start your fire, it can’t just be any old log you’ve found out and about on a walk. It’s important that the wood you burn is well-seasoned. This means that it should have been left to dry for a long time, so that all the moisture has evaporated away. Burning wet wood could be seriously dangerous. The water vapour might combine with other gases and particles, which can create condensation (unless the chimney is kept warm), which then creates a substance called creosote. Creosote hardens to form tar, which is really flammable, and before you know it, a damp bit of wood has led to a severe chimney fire.
T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there….
The fire is lit, and you’re sat with your family and friends enjoying the festivities and a fire starts in the chimney. There is a loud roaring or popping noise from the chimney flue like the sound made by a large bonfire. Sparks and flames shoot like fireworks from the chimney top and dense thick smoke emerges from the fireplace and the smell is strong and intensely hot.
Don’t let this happen to you this Christmas….make sure you are well prepared.
Time to put it out
It’s time to go to bed and get some sleep. You leave a mince pie and a glass of something for Santa, perhaps a carrot for Rudolph…but before you think of doing any of that, put out your fire. Make sure it’s out completely – you don’t want to wake up on Christmas day to any nasty surprises.
Have a safe and happy Christmas everyone.